Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Car Seat Covers

A friend of mine that lives out of state is overdue with her second child and put out an offer to commission someone to make seat covers for her kids. I took the bait and decided to give it my best shot. Problem is, car seats aren't exactly generic. I was able to borrow an infant seat to try to copy the cover but it turned out the one I borrowed was even less generic than the one my friend had or that I ever had with the boys. I was able to successfully create a pattern and make a seat cover that fit it as well as the canopy and boot.


I decided to try out the Simplicity pattern to see if it would fit any better but it was so big and bulky and the strap slots were so high up the back, it made me wonder if it wasn't better suited for a toddler seat. Of course when I tried it on the ones I use 99% of the time, it didn't fit. I was able to purchase an old seat from a thrift store with a decent cover which helped me at least correctly place the strap slots. 


The second seat was a bit easier just because I had the exact same one as a back up seat but had to do a bit of altering because I decided to add padded interfacing and didn't take into consideration the additional seam allowance.

 All said and done though, I am pretty happy with how they came out. USPS said they were delivered at 1:00 this afternoon, so I will make another post with her comments once she provides them. If you would like to critique from the pictures I was able to take of the process, fire away!

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I am a mother to three amazing boys including a set of fraternal twins, a wanna-be artist that lives on a 21+ acre farm in Virginia with my wonderful (musician) husband and have an associates degree in art with a focus in painting.