Monday, August 30, 2010


In 32 years, my eyes have seen a lot of things. I've visited foreign countries I never imagined I would. I made new friends & lost a few. I've been to a lot of wedding bit thankfully not as many funerals. My own heart had been broken many times, I broke a few, and with some time & love from family & friends found myself open to love again to receive my soul mate. I've created many projects through various art forms including the life of two beautiful baby boys that God decided I would be best to be their mom. I've been a strong back or a soft shoulder for many friends in need & often sought the same in return. I've been overwhelmed, on top of the world, angry as hell, amorous beyond what I thought I was capable of, praised & put down. I have learned a lot and know that I still have a lot to learn. I appreciate everyone that's ever been there for me for a reason, season or lifetime. I look forward to going gray and discovering who I am just a little more every day. I look forward to what else these eyes will get to see & what paths these feet with stumble upon in my next 32 years. And I hope I never take any of it for granted.

1 comment:

Chrissie said...

Beautiful. I hope you had a wonderful birthday. :)

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I am a mother to three amazing boys including a set of fraternal twins, a wanna-be artist that lives on a 21+ acre farm in Virginia with my wonderful (musician) husband and have an associates degree in art with a focus in painting.