That evening, we loaded all 4 of us into the car and drove to my sister's house just as she was getting Ethan ready for bed. I pulled into the driveway with my lights off and Joey texted my sister to let her know we were there. He walked up to the door in a booming voice saying "HO! HO! HO!" By that time, my sister had turned the tv off and was asking Ethan, "What's that noise?" She said he started running around looking worried then ran to the door and opened it and screamed "Santa Claus!" He talked to him for a little while, posed for some pictures with him and his older brother, Justice (no longer believes but is quite confused at this point) and told him he had lots of great gifts to deliver but he had to go right to bed so he could deliver them. Meanwhile, the only word Ethan could get out was, "Okay!" Joey exited the same way he came in, laughing all the way "Ho! Ho! Ho!" I called my sister after we got home and she said it was perfect! After we left, Ethan ran to the kitchen to grab his teddy bear and then jumped in the recliner and screamed "Mommy! Rock Me!" and layed there squeezing his eyes as tight as he could. She said he was out in a record 15 minutes and never woke up until morning.

We has so much fun doing it, talking the whole way there and back about what we could do to make it better. Next year, we'll improve the costume some with real boots and belt and add a bag with bells, maybe trim up the beard/stash a little and now Justice wants an Elf costume for next year :)
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